The Iowa Alliance for Arts Education (IAAE) advocates throughout the year for fine arts education in the state of Iowa. Activities include Arts Advocacy Day with the state legislature and lobbying efforts at the capitol. In addition to this work, the IAAE joins with other organizations to support arts programs at the federal level. Finally, the IAAE supports teachers and students as they advocate for local fine arts opportunities.
Arts Education Advocacy Research and Resources
Building on its foundation of three decades of experience, the collaborative work of IAAE continues to grow and to benefit Iowans despite new political, fiscal, and organizational challenges.
Members of the Executive Board are available to advise and support member organizations and individual members in the formation of an Advocacy Plan. The following scholarly articles serve to support your practice and collaboration: Your Advocacy.
ARTSblog focuses on arts education
The Top Ten Skills Children Learn from the Arts
The Washington Post’s The Answer Sheet by Valerie Strauss on January 22, 2013, listed the skills that young people learn from the studying of the arts. She talks about why some people are talking about changing STEM to STEAM. Read her reposting of the 7 Skills Children Need to Succeed… by Lisa Phillips. Read more…
Art Through the Ages: Intergenerational Programming Improves Community Life
Creativity is a gift children can pass to their parents and grandparents, too, as it may be the only skill than can be equally enhanced by a lack of experience as a wealth of it. As Picasso said, “It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.” Being an educator, I have witnessed firsthand the profound benefits of intergenerational programming, particularly in the arts, for all participants. Read more…
Advocacy Ads from Americans for the Arts
Visit link here: Advocacy Ads From Americans for the Arts…
LL Cool J and Creative Arts
Actor and hip-Hop star LL Cool J discusses his upbringing, and whether America is still a “Country of Opportunity.” The host of the 2012 Grammy Awards Ceremony speaks about the importance of the Creative Arts in this CNN interview. See the video…
Bloom’s Taxonomy
In 1956, Benjamin Bloom headed a group of educational psychologists who developed a classification of levels of intellectual behavior important in learning. During the 1990’s a new group of cognitive psychologist, lead by Lorin Anderson (a former student of Bloom’s), updated the taxonomy reflecting relevance to 21st century work. The graphic is a representation of the NEW verbage associated with the long familiar Bloom’s Taxonomy. Note the change from Nouns to Verbs to describe the different levels of the taxonomy.
Charting Creativity: Signposts of a Hazy Territory
An Article in the New York Times, May 7, 2010
creativity: the ability to combine novelty and usefulness in a particular social context
As the study of creativity has expanded to include brain neurology, however, some scientists question whether this standard definition and the tests for it still make sense. John Kounios, a psychologist at Drexel University, argues that the standard “has outlived its usefulness.” Read more…
Americans for the Arts provides highlights from key national research on arts education. This is the 50th. anniversary of Americans for the Arts. Check out the 50 State/ 50 Days initiative.
Partnership for 21st Century Skills is the leading advocacy organization infusing 21st century skills into education. A fresh approach to United States education that closes national and international achievement gaps is critical to the future of the United States.