The Iowa Arts Education Data Project showcases Iowa’s arts education data through a user-friendly, interactive dashboard. The dashboard is intended to promote meaningful dialogue around arts education across the state and to encourage equitable and data-driven decisions by schools, districts, educators, community members, and policymakers that support a well-rounded education for all Iowa students.
The Iowa Arts Education Data Project displays high school course and enrollment data by fine arts discipline – dance, music, theatre, visual arts, and media arts/other – as well as by grade level, gender, and building-majority race/ethnicity and FRL status. Stakeholders can use the data to determine areas of strength as well as areas of need. By providing a variety of demographic lenses as well as various grain sizes by which to view the data – state, AEA region, district, and school – the dashboard provides compelling snapshots of fine arts education access and opportunities across Iowa.
The dashboard was originally scheduled to go live on April 1st, but its release was postponed due to the pandemic. Districts and schools had an extended early viewing window from March until May.
To learn more about the Iowa Arts Education Data Project and view the dashboard and accompanying resources, visit https://educateiowa.gov/artseddata or contact Angela Matsuoka at [email protected].