Arts Education is Essential

A Unified Statement from Arts and Education Organizations
The State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education (SEADAE) and 52 other national groups have come together to release a unified statement on the necessity of arts education for all students, “Arts Education Is Essential.”
With fellow organizations working to preserve arts education, this is a clear statement of support for educators and other stakeholders, as you make the case with administrators and other decision-makers for your own arts program in your school district. Read more…
Three principles are spelled out in “Arts Education Is Essential”:
- “Arts education supports the social and emotional well-being of students, whether through distance learning or in person.”
- “Arts education nurtures the creation of a welcoming school environment where students can express themselves in a safe and positive way.”
- “Arts education is part of a well-rounded education for all students as understood and supported by federal and state policymakers.”
We are in this together.
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